Case Study 3 - Wye Avenue, Failsworth

Permission has been granted for a two storey side extension despite it being only 7 metres from the rear habitable windows of the neighbour's property.

The Inspector balanced the issues as follows:

"The neighbouring property has been previously extended to the rear and side. Due to the splayed positioning of the appeal property, the rear extension is off-set slightly from its facing rear elevation. However, there is a clear line of sight between the upstairs windows of these properties and between their respective rear elevations.

The proposed two-storey side extension would be recessed behind the existing rear elevation of the appeal property and consequently the proposal would be no closer to the facing bedroom window of the neighbouring property than its existing rear elevation. Whilst it is clear that the position of the proposed two-storey side extension would sit more directly in front of the facing bedroom widow, I am also mindful that the corner position of both of these properties, means that the neighbour has an open aspect to its side. Consequently, its rear bedroom window would retain views of Wye Avenue to the south east of it, and the proposed extension would not have a materially harmful enclosing effect. Furthermore, the proposed extension would have a shallow hipped roof which would reduce its overall mass."

Below are images of the completed development: