We have secured planning permission, on appeal, for the change of use of a shop to a mixed use shop and hot food takeaway at Lee Street, Oldham.
Oldham Council argued that the introduction of an additional hot food takeaway within the commercial terrace would result in a danger to highway safety due to additional parking demand and associated vehicle manoeuvres within the highway. It was also argued that an additional hot food takeaway will increase noise, disturbance, smells and litter to the detriment of the living conditions of nearby residents.
The Inspector established that the existing retail use can operate at the same time as the nearby hot food takeaway and other retail units within the parade. Therefore, when in use, existing customers and staff already utilise on street parking and the hot food takeaway will continue to do the same as existing. The Inspector noted parking restrictions nearby and also good visibility within the highway, to allow for good inter-visibility with pedestrians.
The Inspector considered a restrictions to opening hours 11:00 to 22:00 and a scheme for extraction of cooking odours would make the proposal acceptable.