We are delighted to report that we have been successful at appeal to demolish an outdated bungalow and replace it with a two storey house with dormers to the rear and an entrance feature with the Billinge area of Wigan.  The Council felt the proposed house represented overdevelopment of the plot and would result in unacceptable overlooking of the neighbour's garden. It was also considered to be detrimental to the outlook and living conditions of the occupiers of another neighbouring house.

The Planning Inspector disagreed with the Council and did not consider it to have a harmful effect on the character or appearance of the area. He stated that it “could perhaps be said to reflect the character whilst also improving the street scene.”

With regards to the loss of privacy to the neighbour’s garden the Inspector found that the rear dormers were far enough away to avoid any loss of privacy and the dormer windows were in accordance with the Council’s published guidelines.

In terms of the loss of outlook from another neighbouring house the Inspector felt that the topography of the area; the subservient design of the house and position of windows serving primary and non-habitable windows would not appear over-dominant or significantly detrimental to outlook.
Replacement dwellinghouse in Billinge, Wigan  imageReplacement dwellinghouse in Billinge, Wigan  image